Kazuya ends up getting powered by one, which is supposed to explain the jewel-like third eye that comes from his Devil form. Bernard Chang secretly has two of the three and opposes him (WITHOUT the Stones, the dunce), getting himself killed for his efforts. Instead of introducing the Devil Gene, the comic talks up the Toshin Stones, which Heihachi wants in order to power himself up and rule the world. It’s on-the-nose as hell, but at least it’s setting up a ton of stuff in its own way. The opening scene shows Heihachi Mishima talking to his three top underlings, who just happen to be the fathers of Michelle Chang, Eddy Gordo, and King. It tells the story leading up to the first Tekkengame and does a pretty good job setting everything up without simply making it nothing but Heihachi vs.
Tekken Saga is easy to laugh at, but looking at it again years later, I’ll admit it’s more of a mixed bag. Then years later, Deadpool was doing Shoryukens in an actual Capcom video game based purely on that gag. He would go on to draw the infamous comic moment where Deadpool asked Kitty Pryde about Street Fighter before hitting her with a Shoryuken. Coincidentally, it’s not the only fighting game comic incident involving Walter McDaniel. Comic company Knightstone released The Tekken Saga #1, written by John Kim with art by Walter McDaniel.